Sunday, 13 May 2012


For our next print project we are using the process of woodblock printing to tell a story or depict a memory with an image. I decided to choose a memory which is pretty significant in my life, and although it's not a narrative as such, there is a story behind it.

The general gist of my story is from the day my parents told me and my brother and sister that they were splitting up. It was a few years ago, but I have a vivid memory of that day. And basically I remember just having the feeling of a need for escape, so I left the house and went for a walk to clear my head. I ended up sitting on a bench in a green near my house and I called my best friend and I sat there for ages,  until it was dark basically...

Initial drawing onto block:

 Two Blocks:

Key Plate Print:

Finished print:

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