Monday, 3 October 2011

Starting Off


So, we are now going into week 4 of first year, now and we're all continuing to work on our project brief- Movement and Motion.
When we were first given the brief (which feels surprisingly long ago now, even if it has only been a few weeks!) I have to say I was pleased. Movement and Motion seemed to me to be quite a broad topic, which could be taken in many different ways. I wasn't thinking of any solid ideas yet- but as I sat in the hall with everyone and  we were told how to approach the beginning stages of the project, I started to get excited about working out how to make the project my own.

This first week (first few weeks,really!) of college was pretty tough for me; I was really  struggling with the big move to a new city and being away from my family and home in Galway. As I sat down to begin work on my project, I toyed with the idea of growth and movement of body parts e.g. Hair, teeth but everything kept bringing me back to taking the word Movement to be the actual act of moving home. It seemed more obvious once I admitted it to myself that this was the thing that was occupying nearly all of my thoughts. It meant something important to me, and I figured probably to most of the people around me too.
A few weeks ago, just before I had begun clearing out my room at home, getting ready for college, I had taken some photos in my bedroom. My room had always been my favourite place at home- somewhere that was completely mine, that I could make into whatever I wanted. I took these photos at night- the time when I loved my room the most. Something about the light, the quiet, the coziness.
I took these photos as a starting point and I have begun to explore the contrast between this home, so full of memories and personality with the stark and essentially empty space of my new room in Grove Island.
New Home

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