Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Taking apart and putting back together...

During the first week of college, we had lots of introductory talks on different aspects of the course. One of the slides we were shown which struck me were these works by Rachel Whiteread, in which parts of buildings and whole buildings themselves have been 'tipp-exed' out. As I had begun to look at the clutter associated with moving home, I decided to experiment with the idea of erasing the clutter of my old room:
I felt that white chalk pastel was a quick was to 'erase' large areas of clutter (made up of photos, objects, bric-a-brac).

This lead me to think about how one room is broken down and taken apart when the things that make it home are removed. My empty room, once full with memories, now has a striking resemblance to my new room. (My new room which is in need of a personal touch!)

I began to toy with the idea of how certain objects and possessions hold significance and 'survive the move'. How they will put together the new space.

I cut up images of my old room and started sticking them on to grey scale photos of my new room at college. The photos and objects brought colour and life to the images.
Stuck on the idea of taking apart and putting back together, I thought I could create a quick stop-motion animation of the process of creating a new room. I made the short clip by taking a photo after adding each new thing to the black and white photo. I edited all the clips together using Windows Movie Maker:


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